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National Security

Sudoplatova O.I. Analysis and implementation of the international experience in the fight against corruption into the system of state administration of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the experience in the fight against corruption of such countries as the Unites States, Canada, and Singapore. The main components of the anticorruption policy of these countries – principle, methods, and normative documents – are being reviewed. The goal of this work of the examination of the successful methods of the foreign experience in counteracting corruption, as well as the analysis of the possibility of implementation of such instruments into the system of state administration of the Russian Federation. This work is aimed at the increase of the efficiency and productivity of the bodies of state authority in the fight against corruption in Russia. The result of this research is the determination of the methods that have positive evaluation in the system of state administration of the United States, Canada, and Singapore, as well as the description of the process of implementation of these methods into the Russian system of state administration. Scientific novelty is substantiated by the introduction of the principally new for Russia methods of the anticorruption policy. Certain methods, which are able to decrease the level of corruption and increase the efficiency of the work of the bodies of state authority in the fight against bribery in Russia, are being proposed.


anti-corruption policy, public administration, the fight against corruption, Foreign experience, civil servants, methods of anti-corruption policy, the introduction of international experience, reducing corruption, the level of corruption, perception of corruption

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