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Taxes and Taxation

Shestakova E.V. The Concept of Interests of the State and Entrepreneurs in the Field of Taxation

Abstract: At the present time, the short-term state policy in the sphere of taxation is represented in the form of the main directions of tax policy for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017 (as approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 4, 2014). The main aim of the concept is to draw up the federal budget for the next financial period and the two-year planning period, moreover, the concept should be taken into account when drafting regional budgets and local budgets. However, such document does not have a regulatory character, but merely serves as the basis for the development of legislative initiatives and amendments to the Tax Code. In addition, the state concept is defined in other documents. In her article Shestakova has used the comparative and analytical research methods. The methodology of the research is based on the logical method used by the author of the article to analyze the state concept and policy in the sphere of small business as well as associated problems and disadvantages. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author studies the most important problem of the development of small business in the Russian Federation and analyzes the main issues and disadvantages of Russia's tax policy. According to the author, one of the main disadvantages of the concept is the contradiction in conceptual objectives of the tax policy, moreover, the main directions of the tax policy do not include previously stated conceptual issues such as Russia joining the 20 countries with the most favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity by 2018. For entrepreneurs the concept of tax development should solve the high-priority business issues but the main directions of tax policy do not solve them.  


small business, tax development, tax policy, tax burden, concept of interests of the state, taxpayer, business development, interests of entrepreneurs, fiscal policy, GDP (gross domestic product)

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