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Pedagogy and education

Levin V.I. New Program of Graduate (PhD) Studies

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of educational training of graduate students and PhD students in Russia. The researcher describes the current systems of educational training in the world and focuses on their pluses and minuses. Special attention is paid to the systems of training in Germany, France, Great Britain and USA. The author also describes and analyzes the system of graduate training which was formed in the USSR and is still efficient in today's Russia. The author offers a new system of educational training of Russian graduates. This program is oriented at modern tasks and goals of Russian higher education. The curriculum includes: history of scientific discoveries, logic and critical thinking, research methods, investigation culture, academic ethics and law basics. The research is based on the analysis of both Russian and foreign researches conducted by specialists in the sphere of personnel training as well as methodological works of graduates' research advisors. Levin has also used a lot of Russian and foreign researches on the history of science, methods of scientific research, logic, investigation culture, academic ethics, methods of writing thesis research and articles. The main conclusions are the following: 1) introduction of the three-stage educational system in Russia (bachelor's, master's programs and graduate (PhD) studies) offers a good opportunity to improve training of Russian graduates; 2) there is a great variety of educational schools for graduates all over the world, each school having its own curriculum and national traditions; 3) the current system of training Russian graduates provides neither a good education nor a decent overall cultural level of students; 4) in order to improve the system of graduate studies, it is necesary to review their programs and curricula. 


history of science, three-stage educational system, new educational program, graduates in Russia, scientific-educational school, graduate student, educational training, research methods, investigation culture, academic ethics

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. (Klassika). – Penza: Izd-vo PenzGTU, 2010. 215 s.; T.
2. (Sovremennost') – M.: Polina, 2012. 370 s. Levin V.I. Publikatsiya statey za rubezhom. – Penza: Izd-vo PenzGTU, 2015. 80 s