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Administrative and municipal law

Larichev A.A. Regional special purpose bodies in Canada

Abstract: The research object is the institution of autonomous regional special purpose bodies in Canada. The research subject is the range of regulatory sources and scientific and analytical literature in the sphere of the research. The author pays special attention to such issues as the history of foundation of special purpose bodies in Canada; their organizational differences from municipal governments; their constitutional status; their role in the system of municipal governments. The author applies the method of analysis of legal sources, regulating the status of autonomous regional special purpose bodies. The author also applies the comparative legal method when studying the peculiarities of forming and financing such bodies in Canada and the USA. The author comes to the conclusion about the differences between special purpose bodies and municipal governments, including the possibility of constitutional protection of some special purpose bodies, in contrast to the conventional municipal governments. In spite of the fact that these bodies are wide spread, their role in municipal governments system is ambiguous and needs further analysis. 


agencies, boards, commissions, constitutional status, legal nature, municipal government, Canada, special purpose bodies, provinces, autonomy, USA, special districts

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