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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Kadnikov N.G. The category of grave crimes in the Soviet criminal law

Abstract: The analysis of criminal legislation after 1917 shows that, due to certain objective and subjective factors, there’s been no proper continuity in relation to the norms of classification of crimes. The class approach had prevailed in the formation of various groups and types of criminal deeds, and later crimes classification completely lost its practical meaning. The imperfection of crimes classification in the existing legislation was noted by 96% of practitioners and 92% of scientists interviewed during the expert survey of specialists. 91% of the interviewed scientists and 88% of practitioners voted in favor of amending of the General part of the criminal code with a special norm of crimes classification with the consideration of their social danger. The methodology of the research is based on the theoretical provisions of materialistic dialectics, philosophical literature and logic. As the legal base the author applies the provisions of the current criminal, procedural, correctional and other branches of law. The author pays attention to the analysis of criminal legislation of pre-revolutionary Russia and other states. Many aspects of the work are considered in their relation to the development of the fundamentals of criminal legislation of the USSR and the republics which had been adopted on July 2, 1991. The candidate offers the version of the article about the grave crimes category: 1. Grave crimes are intentional deeds infringing on life and health of a person, property, management, activity of public authorities and tribunals, committed in dangerous ways and causing grave consequences, which lead to the deprivation of liberty for the term of 5-10 years. 2. The law defines the following groups of grave crimes: - grave crimes A which are punished by deprivation of liberty for the term of 8-10 years; - grave crimes B which are punished by deprivation of liberty for the term of 6-8 years; - grave crimes C which are punished by deprivation of liberty for the term of 5-6 years. In the conclusion the author formulates the main finding of the dissertation, the most important of which are listed in this article.


classification, crimes, Signs, criminology, criminal law, branch, role, reform, fight, sanction

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1. Ugolovnyy zakon. Opyt teoreticheskogo modelirovaniya. M., 1987. S. 110, 115.