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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Zaytsev O.A. The scientific legacy of Professor Iurii Danilovich Livshits

Abstract: The study is devoted to one of the luminaries of Russian legal science, the honored scientist, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor Iurii Danilovich Livshits. The author of the article describes his contribution to the creation and development of the scientific school of criminal procedure in South Ural State University (National Research University). The scientific ideas of Professor Livshits developed into the set of researches of the urgent problems of development and improvement of Russian criminal procedure, carried out by the members of the department. The results of this work were published in the monographs of the members of the department. The author applies general scientific and special methods of cognition: dialectical and formal-logical methods, modeling and structural-functional method. Iurii Danilovich supervised 5 doctors and more than 30 candidates of legal sciences who continue realizing his scientific ideas. Professor always was a very attentive and caring scientific adviser for his students; he always supported them in word and deed. He took care of his students and tried to create the most comfortable conditions for the scientific work, and raised more than one generation of scientists. He consulted his students not only at work, but at home. They became the family friends, and Iurii Danilovich became their elder friend and advisor. 


restraint, jurisprudence, enforcement, criminal procedural law, safety, personality, source, expert, specialist, department

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Kudryavtseva A.V. Znachenie nauchnogo naslediya Yu.D. Lifshitsa v razvitii sovremennogo ugolovno-protsessual'nogo prava // Aktual'nye problemy prava Rossii i stran SNG-2004 g.: Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 75-letiyu i pamyati professora Yu.D. Lifshitsa.-1-2 aprelya 2004 g.,-Chelyabinsk, 2004. Ch. I. S. 121-123.
2. Lifshits Yu.D. Izbrannye trudy. – Chelyabinsk, Kniga, 2004. – 216 s.