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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Ermakova O.V. Peculiarities of legal structure of the composition of stealage of especially valuable objects

Abstract: The article considers the peculiarities of the structure of the composition of stealage of especially valuable objects. These peculiarities are determined by the fact that this composition combines various forms of stealage and their compositions differ in the structure of an objective side. Difficulties of the legal structure determination have a negative impact on the establishment of a moment of the finishing of this crime and on the qualification of this crime. Applying general scientific methods of analysis and comparison, the author analyzes the legal structure of the composition of stealing of especially valuable objects and the moment of finishing of this crime. The author suggests to construct all forms of stealage according to the material composition and to change the structure of the composition of robbery. In this case, the composition of stealage of especially valuable objects will be considered material, and the crime will be considered finished since the moment of acquisition of property and the possibility for the guilty person to use the stolen objects. 


the owner of the property, peculiarity, legal structure, composition, stealage, subject, special value, loss of property, material composition, property damage

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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