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Philosophy and Culture

Katsapova I.A. Globalization and National Identity: the Point of Intersection (Philosophical and Legal Aspects)

Abstract: This article is devoted to very important contemporary problems, i.e. international relations, legal relations at the level of international law and universal values. The author analyzes the concept of the global community from the point of view of universal values and human rights. She also proves that nowadays we are experiencing the crisis of the political and legal sphere including the crisis of legal and legislative state policies through the shaken balance between the supremecy of law and legislation. The author of the article suggests that we should return to philosophical and legal problems including the so-called national idea and view these problems in a different light as the human right to a decent existence. The main methodological principle used by the author of the research is the combination of legal and philosophical approaches to the problems of law and legal reality as well as the historical method. The author of the article views modern civilizational processes from the point of view of philosophy and legal studies which is apparently not only a topical issue but also a rather new and understudied topic. Modern practices of international development demonstrate the need for us to return to a very important branch of knowledge, philosophy of law, as an alternative to the technical approach to the law making and law enforcement processes established by today's legal science. 


human rights, political crisis, right, globalization, national idea, the people, nation, international law, international relations, human

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