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Police activity

Petrov V.E., Abasov M.M. Retro-reflecting elements as passive means of pedestrians’ safety ensuring

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the variants of road safety improvement. Among the variety of approaches and means of pedestrians’ safety ensuring, the authors focus their attention on the passive means. The subject of a special attention is retro-reflecting elements. The authors study the accessible foreign experience and statistics of road accidents, involving pedestrians, and focus on such an affective and affordable instrument as retro-reflecting elements (flickers). The novelty of the study consists in the consideration and classification of the main types of retro-reflecting elements. The authors analyze the psychological mechanism of their impact on drivers and some aspects of perception. The authors conclude that it is necessary to broaden the sphere of development and use of retro-reflecting elements for pedestrians’ safety ensuring. The authors offer to improve the quality of flickers, their compulsory certification and the promotion of culture of personal safety ensuring among pedestrians. The information and analytical material is aimed at the guaranteeing of life and health of pedestrians and conforms to the modern tendencies and innovations in the sphere of road safety ensuring. 


perception, flicker, retro-reflecting elements, passive means of safety ensuring, road safety, traffic accident, pedestrian, traffic police, traffic police officers, traffic light

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