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Philology: scientific researches

Gurevich P.S. Till Death My Passion Will Be With Me...(About the Poetry of Borish Chichibabin)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of creative work of a famous Russian and Soviet poet Boris Chichibabin. This poet had an uneasy life. He had to live through and accept the experience of being imprisoned. He experienced hatred and malevolence of other authors. The poet's creative work was too far from rules and standards of literary writing. He was called the 'genius graphomaniac'. Is it an oxymoron? Graphomania is the antipode of genius. However, Boris Chichibabin was certainly a genius. The author of the present article focuses on the main themes of Boris Chichibabin's poetry such as love, passion, spirituality, death and literary gift. Gurevich emphasizes that Chichibabin's poetry has no negative or dark moods. Anger or rancour is alient to him. In the course of his research Gurevich has used hermeneutical methods of textual analysis allowing to reveal the hidden meaning, codes and symbols of the poem. The author also bases his research on the methods of philosophical analysis of human and his passions. Russian academic literature does not have so many articles or researches devoted to Borish Chichibabin. One of such article is the essay 'The Lonely School of Love. Poetry of Borish Chichibabin' written by G. Pomeranets. Being a famous culture expert, Pomeranets tries to demonstrate the true value of Chichibabin's poetry as well as his role in the history of Russian culture. In his essay Pomeranets relates particular poems written by Chichibabin to life situations experienced by the poet. Still, Boris Chichibabin's poetry deserves a more detailed critical analysis, in particular, analysis of his particular style and genre. Of course, just one research article wouldn't be enough to achieve this goal. Gurevich's article is rather an invitation for a more detailed and comprehensive analysis of the creative work of this famous poet. 


poetry, creative work, love, death, meaning, passions, soul, memory, Christianity, paganism

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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