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Philology: scientific researches

Kuchina S.A. Graphical Image of an Electronic Poetic Text: the Structure of Verbal and Multimedia Components

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of all aspects of the graphical image of an eletronic poetic text. The purpose of this research is to define peculiarities of the interaction between graphical and verbal components in a complex multimedia structure of an eletronic poetic text. The subject of the research is the graphical image of an electronic poetic text, the object of the research is the electronic poetic work 'Entre Ville' written by J. Carpenter. Generally speaking, electronic poetic text is a synthetic product of human creative activity that is created in a specific media environment using flash animation and audiovisual components as essential part of the conceptual component of an electronic composition. The methodology of the research involves an integrated linguo-poetical analysis of an eletronic literary text, in particular, analysis of the following aspects of an electronic composition: genres and themes, the main idea and emotional tonation providing that special emphasis is made on the graphic image including integrated analysis of not only verbal components but also the interface of a composition. The novelty of the article is caused by the nature of the problem statement. For the first time in the academic literature the author views electronic poetic texts from the point of view of their integrated synthetic structure (verbal and nonverbal components). As a result of her research, Kuchina makes a conclusion that graphical elements, audio and video files allow to reveal the content of an electronic poetic text and emphasize the semantics of the verbal component. The results of the research can be used for practical classes on theory and history of the literature of the XXIth century. 


flash, audiovisual component, animation, interface, grafical element, electronic poetic text, interactive, verbal, media environment, structure

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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