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Administrative and municipal law

Vavilov N.S. Rightful premises of local civil activity

Abstract: The article studies the peculiarities of introduction of civil activity principles on the local level; analyzes the federal, regional and municipal legal acts regulating local civil institutions. The topicality of the issue is undoubtful as in the modern conditions of functioning of the Russian state and local governments the effective public control over all levels of public and local authority is necessary. The author not only suggests particular theoretical ideas, but also offers concrete legislative formulations for Russian legislation; the author formulates specific amendments and legislative novels concerning intensification of interaction of local population, civil society institutions and municipal authorities. The methodology of the research includes general philosophical and special methods of cognition (dialectical, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, the comparative-legal method, the formal-legal, system-functional, statistical and theoretical-prognostic methods). Municipal legislation contains special mechanisms stimulating local civil activity; moreover, these mechanisms are adapted to the conditions of a particular territory, municipality, and local peculiarities. Nevertheless, legitimation of public commissions under local authorities by Russian regional governments, adoption of special programmes of support of social civil society institutions on a competitive basis, and development of information grounds of local governments can intensify civil society institutions’ and citizens’ activity in the work of local government. 


local government, local population, civil activity, civil society institutions, municipal legal act, Civic Chamber, official website, democracy, the Internet, legitimacy

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