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Kashulin D.A. Energy security as an objective for research of political science

Abstract: The object of research in this article is the political aspect of energy security of the state, the subject of research are the dynamics of scientific knowledge of the political aspect of energy security. The purpose of this work is to define the perspective directions for research in the field of energy security within a political science discourse. Conceptual approaches of each country to the problem of energy security are defined based on to the national energy potential, the level of economic development, the special risks, resulting in essentially different ways to approach to energy security. As a result, the international energy sphere became a place of political struggle for access to energy. The global aspect of this problem demands the creation of a coordinated approach to ensuring the international energy security, creation of the effective mechanism capable to reconcile opposite interests of various countries and to regulate this process. The methodological basis of this study includes historical, comparative and political, system, sociological methods, as well as the methods of situational analysis, generalization, deduction and induction. The author points out that the main subjects of the international power relations include states, international organizations, multinational corporations. The way and nature of their interaction influences the global energy market and global energy security. A rich experience of such relationship has already been accumulated around the world. Scientific justification of use of this experience is necessary for examining and outlining the specifics for each state. Political science analysis of energy security contributes to the understanding of international energy relations, tendencies of development of energy markets, as well as provides a platform for dialogue between countries in the field of energy partnership.


public-private partnership, multinational corporations, state, political conflicts, international relations, political science, energy security, national security, political process, energy diplomacy

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