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Software systems and computational methods

Milovanov M.M. Development and implementation of a software system for trading algorithm testing

Abstract: The current development of the stock market requires development of infrastructure, software upgrades and new tools. In this regard the commission of trading on the stock exchange must also carry out the new methods. The development of modern information technology allows using computer resources for the study of the behavior of the stock market, for analysis and optimization of transaction algorithms on the stock market based on certain rules. The article describes the development of a tool for testing trading algorithms. As methodology the authors used the method of observation. As the object of observation the authors used financial assets such as stocks, futures, indexes. The article describes building of a software product that includes the features of a system of trading algorithm development combined with all the benefits of prototype software for creating, testing and optimization of trading algorithms, simplifying the end-user experience. The developed information system for testing trading algorithms has high performance due to use of LUA programming language.


stock market, C#, LUA, .NET, programming, software, data analisys, testing, optimizition, development

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