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History magazine - researches
Turygin A.A.
National dictatorship or parliamentary democracy: on the question of an alternative development of Germany during the years of the Weimar republic (on the example of the Pan-German league)
// History magazine - researches.
2015. ¹ 3.
P. 386-394.
Turygin A.A. National dictatorship or parliamentary democracy: on the question of an alternative development of Germany during the years of the Weimar republic (on the example of the Pan-German league)Abstract: This article addresses the pan-Germanic concepts of state power and structure in Germany after the November revolution of 1918. The leaders of the Pan-German league (H. Class, L. von Vietinghoff-Scheel, A. Müller) based their vision of the necessary government restructuring on the principle of dictatorship. The idea of dictatorship was tied by some with the sole rule of a leader (Class), by others – by popular representation, chosen from the number of the “true” patriots of Germany (Vietinghoff-Scheel). The author underlines the continuity between Pan-Germanism and National socialism. In the history of Pan-Germanism the Weimar period is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that during the period of Weimar parliamentary democracy the supporters of Pan-Germanism developed significant changes in their views, political thinking, and course of action in the direction of their radicalisation. Despite the sharpness of their statements against government authorities, Pan-Germanists were forced to admit the real political power of these authorities, as well as the absence of a united opposition front due to the fragmentation of the antigovernment forces. Until the middle of the 1920s the Pan-Germanists actively supported antigovernment speeches, but later sought to achieve their goals through legitimate means, as their attempts of violent coups were not successful. Because of this they formulated concepts of political reorganisation, the propaganda of which aimed to unite German society around the Pan-German league. Keywords: Weimar republic, dictatorship, Freikorps, national socialism, Bamberg declaration, Pan-Germanism, Pan-German league, parliamentarism, November revolution, “Beer Putsch”
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