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Napso M.D. Anomie as a risk factor

Abstract: The object of this article is the phenomenon of anomie, and the subject of this article is the risks of anomic manifestations. The author reviews the social nature of economic, social and value anomie, as well as reveals the factors that lead to the formation of the space of deprivation and the risks of anomie of diverse social content and influence. A special attention is given to the research of interdependence and interconditionality of various types of anomie, their subordination to the conditions of social practice on both, the individual and the group levels. The author substantiates the conclusion on the need for interdisciplinary study of the problem of anomie. The scientific novelty of this work consists in confirmation of the thesis about the exclusive role of social factors as the cause for appearance of anomie. The problematics of the analyzed issues allows us to make the following conclusions: 1) the position about riskogenic content and the consequences of social anomie is being substantiated; 2) the study of the risks of anomie within modern communities and social processes that affect its functioning is gaining relevance.


relative deprivation, deprivation, anomic manifestations, value anomie, social anomie, anomie, alienation, marginalization, escapism, social stratification

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