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National Security
Ursul A.D.
Global goals for sustainable development
// National Security.
2015. ¹ 5.
P. 683-698.
Ursul A.D. Global goals for sustainable developmentAbstract: This article analyzes the problem of forming the goals for sustainable development due to the implementation of the universal agenda on further realization of the Rio process at the UN level. The author points out that there are two immanently interconnected strategical goals for sustainable development – the survival of civilization and preservation of biosphere, as well as the comprehensive existential purpose – their coexistence and coevolution. The new global goals for sustainable development are the continuation of the Millennium Development Goals, which represent eight priority goals for international development. The proposed UN Agenda for Sustainable Development includes 17 sustainable development goals and 169 related tasks of complex nature, which comprise a set of universal priorities and parameters for sustainable development. The author believes that in its modern perception, the concept of sustainable development cannot be limited by the “targeted triad” of correlation between environment, economics, and social sphere. It is also noted, that Russia is on the path of realization of a remote, but important in its conceptual aspect strategic and global goal in transition to sustainable development – the establishment of noosphere. Keywords: sustainable development, United Nations, noosphere, Millennium Declaration, global management, global development, goal, SDGs, existential goal, environmental issues
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