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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Sulakshin S.S., Bagdasaryan V.E. The concept of the global "center" and its migration throughout history.

Abstract: The authors investigate concepts like the existence of a unified world system and the emergence of the "center" of the world. As authors see the global system is the spatial coherence of different regions. The subject of the study are the historical incarnations of the global center on the basis of the world-system approach, the trajectory of displacement of the world center, as well as the characteristics of the current world leader - the United States. Analysis of the basic characteristics of the world leader allows to statistically prove its role as the world center. The article also substantiates the crisis of the currently established system that involves parasitism, consumerism and conflictness. The study is based on the methodology of world-system modeling. In determining the Global center and the trajectory of its migration, the authors used factor analysis, comparative approach, sociological and statistical methods. The special contribution of the authors is a detailed study of the formation of unified world system, the study of the genesis of West-polar world order, the development of criteria for determining a country as the center of the world, the diagnosis of the crisis of legitimacy of the global Center. The novelty of the research lies primarily in the quantitative measurement and statistical justification of the status of the World Center.


United States of America, speculative capital, parasitarism, civilization, Center, world system, world-systems theory, confrontation, Cold war, leadership

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