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Administrative and municipal law

Mokoseeva M.A. Decisions of the Constitutional Justice of the Russian Federation: the rule of law or legal formality

Abstract: In Russia the problem of implementation of acts of constitutional legal proceedings was raised before the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1992, when the Republic of Tatarstan hadn't implement the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992, N P-RZ-I. It is possible to give many examples of full and timely implementation of decisions of the constitutional justice, but there are also the facts of ignoring, unjustified procrastination of implementation, and attempts to overcome their legal effect by means of readoption of regulations similar to those recognized unconstitutional. The author analyzes the reasons of non-fulfulment of acts of the constitutional control and offers various solutions of this problem. The author considers the concept and legal nature of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, their correlation with the decisions of the Constitutional Court, the lack of an accurately formed mechanism of their implementation in the law-making and law-enforcement practice. The author studies different types of responsibility for non-fulfilment of decisions of the constitutional justice and suggests to establish preliminary constitutional control and administrative responsibility. Thus the author studies foreign experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kosovo, the Albanian Republic and Germany. In the conclusion the author offers the ways of improvement of Russian legislation, including the adoption of law on normative legal acts in the Russian Federation.The research is based on the scientific methods, such as the methods of analysis and comparison, which help to define the similarities and differences between the rules of law and the decisions of the Constitutional Justice and to formulate particular theoretical and practical conclusions and suggestions, necessary for the further development of Russian legal system.


improvement of the legislation, rule of law, constitutional control, constitutional justice, constitutional court, judgments, Legal position, constitutional law, constitution, constitutional legal proceeding

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