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Taxes and Taxation

Legen'kova M.K. Problems of Evaluating Net Assets of Autonomous Nonprofit Organizations in Compliance with the Russian and International Standards

Abstract: The subject of the research is the combination of methodological features of evaluating and recognition of net assets of autonomous nonprofit organizations based on the Russian and international approaches considering the specifics of the economic/legal status of the property of an autonomous nonprofit organization. In her article Legenkova touches upon the debating points of accounting at organizations of the government administrative sector based both on Russian standards and International Financial Reporting Standards for the public sector enterprises. The main target of the research is the analysis of the problems related to justification of the rules for keeping records of net assets of autonomous nonprofit organizations and evaluating their elements. The research methods used by the author include comparison, synthesis, analysis, logical approach, system approach and other research methods. The novelty and conclusions of the research involve the scientific research results provided in this article and summary of the features and problems of recognition of net assets of autonomous nonprofit organizations in compliance with the national standards, draft federal accounting standards developed for the government administrative sector and International Financial Reporting Standards as well as guidelines for alternative methods of evaluating a recognized property and assessing its value when calculating net assets of autonomous nonprofit organizations. 


nonprofit organizations, net worth, net assets, obligations, most valuable assets, international standards, public sector, financial statement (financial report), national standard, autonomous organizations, accounting procedure

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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