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Police activity

Karpov E.A. On some issues of combating corruption in the Internal Affairs bodies

Abstract: The article deals with criminological, legal and administrative measures of corruption-related crimes combating. The object of the research is the range of public relations arising during the prevention of corruption-related crimes. The subject of the study includes the measures against corruption-related crimes. The author considers the content of corruption in law-enforcement bodies, the measures to prevent corruption-related crimes, especially corruption in law-enforcement bodies. The aim of the study is to reveal the main causes of corruption crimes and to develop proposals for a system of measures to counter corruption in the system of the Interior. The author applies the dialectical method of research, the method of comparative study, analysis and deduction. The article presents the complex study of measures of corruption combating in the internal affairs bodies. The authors offer concrete measures aimed at reduction of corruption-related crimes in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The study of corruption-related crimes in the internal affairs bodies shoes a close interrelation of economic and moral and ethical reasons of corruption. The level of corruption is especially influenced by the moral and ethical crisis of the society, the low salary rates relative to the complexity and intensity of work and hard economic conditions of the police officers. 


official, factors of criminality, forgery, acception of a bribe, internal affairs bodies, police officer, corruption, ethic norms, public servant, preventive measures

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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