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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Kapustin A.Y. Legal Research and Formation of the New Millennium World Order

Abstract: The article discusses the main features of the modern international law science, its nature and functions in the international community of states in the framework of formation of world order of the XXI century. The role and influence of the traditional centers of science development (universities, scientific research organizations), as well as new members, initiating the development of international legal researches (international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, professional associations of scientists) on the development of the modern science of international law and its structuring ( on research schools or doctrines). The subject of the science of international law is analyzed in detail. As a result, a proposal is formulated: to include not only the rules of international law (treaty or customary law), but also other facts of international (acts of international organizations and international conferences, including acts of "soft law", and program rules, law-enforcement acts, including the diplomatic correspondence, decisions of international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, acts of INGOs) or national legal reality (legislation and law-enforcement practice). The author puts forward the idea that the science of science in the meaning that is the study of the doctrines of international law, also relates to the subject of science. The impact of the transitional period in the development of international relations on the growth of nihilistic perception of international law is noted. At the same time the approaches to the definition and recognition of science as a source of international law are discussed. It is concluded that under current conditions the value of international legal science as a way of knowledge of international law and on that basis of expansion of its influence on the international law-making and enforcement activity increases.


international law, science of international law, history of science of international law, school (doctrine) of international law, the subject of science of international law, the science of international law and international law-making, the science of international law and international judicial practice, the doctrine of international law as a source of international and national law.

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