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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sidorenko E.L. Successful Practice of Legal Protection of Persons who Report about Corruption Facts

Abstract: This paper analyzes the international experience of legal protection of persons reporting about corruption facts. Main attention is focused on subject composition of persons to be protected, the state guarantees of the security of civil servants and employees in the private sector. According to the legislation of the countries-leaders of the rating of Transparency International (report "Legislation on the Protection of the applicants in the Big Twenty. Priorities for Action") the possibilities of expanding the legal safeguards for the protection of informants in Russia are worked out. On the basis of systematic and comparative legal methods the author divides the research into five main sections: the range of persons to be protected, communication channels, remedies, encouraging of informants and criminal liability for violation of the rights of whistle-blowers. On the basis of a comparison of legal norms and their application the idea that the Western practice in Russia can be applied only in part due to their low efficiency is justified. In particular, the need for narrowing of the range of persons subject to legal protection and non-proliferation of status of informants to the representatives of the individual government agencies is questioned.


corruption, information, informer, legal protection, a person who report about corruption, responsibility, legal guarantees, financial incentives, public employee, official.

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