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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Belokrylova E.A. On the Role and Significance of the Methodology of Comparative Law in the Implementation of Modern Ecological and Legal Research

Abstract: In the present article the author reveals the high academic value of the method of comparative law, as well as the necessity of its application in the study of a wide range of environmental relations. The main emphasis is on the methodological aspects of comparative legal analysis not only as a private-scientific method, but also as a science. The works of leading domestic and foreign legal scholars who have made a significant contribution to the development of modern comparative law are analyzed. Well-founded conclusions about the need for comparative legal model for the study of modern environmental law as the youngest and fastest growing industries in the Russian law are made. The basic performance levels of comparative law – international and national are studied. Macro and micro levels of practice-application usage patterns of comparative studies in the field of modern environmental law and legislation are pointed out.The need to examine the environmental and natural resource foreign law and legislation, which is intended to both cognitive and empirical components is underlined. Certain techniques of organizing and conducting of comparative legal studies are offered. Formed on the large-scale academic pursuits modern comparative paradigm allows us to conclude that the current comparative law is a fundamental basis for a wide range of ecological and legal studies lying in different planes of legal knowledge, a broad cross-sectoral nature of which is confirmed by the study of the characteristics of individual legal families, systems and branches of law, as well as their institutions.


comparative law, methodology, techniques, private scientific methods, environmental law, environmental legislation, comparative studies, scientific trends, ecological and legal science, scientific paradigm, a comparative legal method.

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