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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Lychenko I.À. Ukrainian Legal Policy of the Protection of Citizens’ Legal Interests in the Property Field

Abstract: The article presents the analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of legal policy to protect the legitimate interests of citizens in the field of property and the author's view to the content of this category. The current state and ways to improve the current legal policy of Ukraine for the protection of the legitimate interests of citizens in the field of the property are highlighted. The author points out the main factors for improving the effectiveness of legal policy in Ukraine. The article defines the prospects of developing a single long-term comprehensive strategy of legal reforms in this area and of improving the legislation of Ukraine regulating the legal status of the subjects of the protection of the legitimate interests of citizens in the area of the property.


comparative law, interest, protection, policy, legal policy, strategy, legal status, the subject of protection, standards, reform.

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