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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Tazhin A.O. Legal Status of Religious Organizations in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Comparative – Legal Analysis

Abstract: The subject of this article is the legal status of subjects of law – religious organizations in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan fixed in legal acts of both countries. From the perspective of comparative legal approach the legislation regulating the legal status of religious communities of these countries is studied. After centripetal processes of the 90s. of XX century, following the collapse of the USSR, the desire for integration, not only in the economic sphere, but also in the sphere of collective spiritual safety of the public, which can include religious security is now growing. The fight against religious extremism is the common task of Russia and Kazakhstan, requiring joint approaches in the field of legal regulation of the activity of religious associations. In addition, the relevance of this kind of cooperation for that countries is caused by the presence of historical links between them. On the basis of comparative legal study of the legal status of religious communities in Russia and Kazakhstan, the author concludes that the nature and content of the legal status of religious communities in Kazakhstan as a whole are the same in a similar concept in the Russian Federation. In general, the rights of religious organizations in Russia are broader than in Kazakhstan. This phenomenon, according to the author’ view, is explained as more liberal approach from the part of the Russian state to the activities of religious associations generated by the overall process of the early 90-ies.


legal status, rights, duties, law, constitution, religious associations, agreements, international law.

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