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International relations
Manoylo A.V.
Results of BRICS and SCO summits in Ufa
// International relations.
2015. ¹ 3.
P. 268-272.
Manoylo A.V. Results of BRICS and SCO summits in UfaAbstract: This article summarizes and analyzes the results of the SCO and BRICS summits in Ufa, held on 8-9 July 2015. It is noted that the summits contributed to the formation of the BRICS as an international organization and the expansion of the area of the SCO's influence in West and South Asia. The content of the basic documents adopted at the BRICS summit - Ufa Declaration, Action Plan and the Strategy for Economic Partnership to 2025 - suggests that the BRICS has actually become a new instrument for the formation of a new global political reality, a multipolar world architecture. The enlargement of the SCO by admission of new members - India and Pakistan - significantly changes its regional status on the international scene and makes the organization a global actor in the world politics. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural and functional, the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The proposal of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to initiate the process of integration of the BRICS and the EAEU suggests that soon the BRICS, with the help of the EAEU resources, will become the leading world power, and the West with its policy of confrontation may find itself on the periphery of the rising economies of the BRICS member-states and and their allies, becoming the "backyard" of the BRICS. Keywords: interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid wars, state, USA, society, policy, values, security
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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