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Taxes and Taxation

Bogatyrev S.Yu., Alferova A.V. Value Analysis of Tax Factors By the Means of Contemporary Information Systems

Abstract: The subject under research of the present article is the tax factors that influence the enterprise value as well as the aspects of keeping records of these tax factors by the means of new and complex analysis information systems. In their article Bogatyrev and Alferova performs the synthesis of the results of recent researches on the influence and determination of tax factors in the value analysis and the analysis of these factors in contemporary information analysis data bases. In their article the researchers describe theoretical grounds of the influence of the tax factors on the value of the enterprise. The authors define the tax factors and their indicators as well as describe the accounting and tax registers that need to be analyzed in order to define these factors. The researchers analyze the experience of tax and regulatory authorities in using information systems to analyze the economic status and to evaluate assets and enteprises for the purpose of additional tax assessment. The authors discuss the oppotunities of today's information systems for the value analysis and determination of the influence of the tax factors on the value of Russian companies when a tax analyst has no traditional information resources available to carry out such an anaysis. The influence of the tax factors on the value of companies is quite an understudied and undeveloped topic both in Russian and foreign economic literature. Thus, the influence of the tax factors on the value and contemporary information system are new and understudied phenomena for Russian financial academic community. Questions about the analysis of specific national factors in information analysis sytems that are so popular in Russia nowadays have neve been raised at all. Therefore, this is the first research to study the theory and practice of the value analysis of iron and steel companies taking into account the tax factors and applying popular information systems. 


tax authorities, cost approach, tax effects, the market approach, the income approach, valuation, information systems, the tax factors, investment value, market value

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