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Administrative and municipal law

Evtushenko E.V. Procedural and legal aspects of physical bodies bankruptcy

Abstract: The article considers particular aspects of physical bodies bankruptcy as a special sphere of legal regulation reflecting the connection between law of substance and law of procedure. Special attention is paid to the procedure of bankruptcy and the Federal Law of 29 December, 2014 No 476-FZ inuring on 1 July, 2015. The author studies its positive innovations relating to physical bodies bankruptcy: consideration of bankruptcy declarations of citizens by the courts of general jurisdiction (bankruptcy cases of self-employed and former self-employed whose money obligations have appeared in the result of their entrepreneurship are considered by arbitrage), the possibility of debt restructuring, the possibility of amicable agreement with creditors. The author uses the following methods of research: the dialectical method of scientific cognition, the method of logical analysis and synthesis, the systems method, normative-logical analysis, the method of comparative jurisprudence. The author concludes that the formation of the institution of bankruptcy of citizens is dynamically developing. The positive moments of the Federal Law No 476-FZ are: introduction of the possibility of debts restructuring (with the plan of restructuring), the possibility of amicable agreement with creditors. For the purpose of bankruptcy case opening the personality of an insolvent including its legal capacity and status shouldn’t be a decisive factor. In bankruptcy cases over inherited property the debtor is an heir. 


physical body, debtor, court, debt restructuring, insolvency, failure, legal status, amicable agreement, bankruptcy proceedings, bankruptcy

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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