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International Law and International Organizations

Nikitina I.E. The system of cooperation of member-states of the European Union in ensuring lawfulness and fi ght against crime

Abstract: This article examines the international legal forms of cooperation between the member-states of the European Union in the context of lawfulness on fight against crime on international level. The author notes that the finely tuned information exchange of the law enforcement agencies of the European nations is a necessary component in organizing mutual efforts on crime counteraction. Receiving timely assistance in criminal cases, including criminal, investigative, and other data is one of the key elements in successful fight against crime. The author analyzes the international legal role of information security within the framework of the European Union. The conclusions of this article may be useful to law enforcement agencies in investigation of transboundary crimes.


fight against crime, forms of cooperation, joint investigation team, international legal role, information security, European Union, lawfulness, Europol, secure network, Eurojust

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