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Administrative and municipal law
Sizov I.Yu.
Administrative responsibility of legal entities for the violation of migration laws
// Administrative and municipal law.
2015. ¹ 5.
P. 455-459.
Sizov I.Yu. Administrative responsibility of legal entities for the violation of migration lawsAbstract: The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of imposition of administrative responsibility for the violation of migration laws on legal entities. The author considers the issues of infliction of punishment lower than the lowest limit stated in the corresponding article, and the peculiarities of responsibility in case of a belated notification about the conclusion of a labour contract with a foreign national. The article considers a range of changes which came into effect in the late 2014, and which relate to the enforcement of responsibility of legal entities for the violation of migration laws. The methodology of the research is based on the modern achievements of epistemology. The author uses the theoretical and the general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, and modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal logical), and the methods used in special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc.). Administrative-legal regulation of migration of the population is one of the urgent problems in the sphere of state management for the following reasons: demographical problems, and insufficient theoretical study of the role and the importance of migration process in demographical development of the Russian Federation. These and other problems provoke a wide range of negative consequences in the sphere of enforcement of law and socio-economic development of the country. Every year illegal migration attracts more and more attention of public authorities. Annually the government considers the problems of migration in different contexts, defines the quotas of foreign labour use in the Russian Federation, and solves other problems in the sphere of migration policy. But despite the measures taken, the global problems in the sphere of migration policy haven’t been solved yet. Keywords: responsibility, migration, the Federal Migration Service, punishment, sanction, entity, foreign national, deportation, exclusion, fine
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