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Philosophy and Culture

Zaytseva L.A. Quantum World and Vacuum of Ideas

Abstract: The research subject is the quantum world being formed and the fact that there are no concepts that could describe it. The quantum world is replacing the classical world and post-modern world. The classical world was based on the philosophy of Enlightenment. The post-modern world is based on the ideas of post-modernistic philosophy. However, at the present moment there are no concepts that could constitute the paradigm of the quantum world. The quantum world is described as the world that denies universal standards and questions the common sense. 'Quantum' means a strange, difficult, instable, uncertain and multidimensional world. The quantum world brings a whole number of actors to the international arena and all these actors follow their own interests. The author of the article makes an attempt to outline the countours of the quantum concept through the analysis of the problems creating it.  The research method is the modeling. Taking into account that the quantum world hasn't been formed yet, it is partly viewed as a 'black box' which can be studied only through analyzing the arising problems. The author of the article also uses the idealization method when the aising problems are deliberately exaggerated. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the countours of the quantum world are outlined by analyzing these problems and related values. In particular, the author describes the following properties of the quantum world: instability, uncertainty, multidimensionality and artificial nature of the quantum world. These properties create problems that have important social consequences. The author also underlines that the quantum world can change the system of values completely. The quantum world means a transfer to post-economic values and 'new seriosity'. All this would certainly change the life style of people as well.  


classical world, post-modern world, instability, multidimensionality, innovations, superposition, post-economic world, artificial world, new seriosity, creativity

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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