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Culture and Art
Lipkin A.I. (2015). Subcivilizacional specificity of the United States. 2. Specific forms of American individualism and collectivism. Culture and Art, 3, 235–245.
Lipkin A.I. Subcivilizacional specificity of the United States. 2. Specific forms of American individualism and collectivismAbstract: In the previous article a hypothesis was proposed that the United States is a subcivilizacional community, which is different from Europe by the specific form of American individualism. In this article we consider, first, the specific forms of collectivism, existing on two levels: at the micro level in the various communities and clubs as an American "bourgeois community" and American democratic institutions at the macro level of the country. Secondly, the three forms of American individuality, specify the national specifics of the United States and compare them with a form of individualism with European counterparts to clarify the subcivilizacional specifics of the United States. Thirdly, a comparison of American and Russian forms of individualism and collectivism.There is used the comparative-historical analysis using previously developed system concepts, in the heart of the concept are notions of civilization, subcivilizacion and national communities, emerging around the "cultural core". There is introduced the concept of "bourgeois community" contrasting with the characteristic for the Russian “narodnik” discourse the notion of "community", a prototype of which was "peasant community". A concentrated presentation of the development of American democratic institutions at the macro level is done. There is identified and discussed three types of American identity, reflecting the specificity of the three regions of the United States: New England, the South and the West. The comparison of types of collectivity and identity in the United States and Russia, as well as the focus of their cultures (degree of pragmatism and idealism) is done. Keywords: bourgeois community, nation, subcivilizacion, individualism, ethnic, Russia, Europe, USA, individuality, frontier
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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