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Administrative and municipal law

Adarchenko E.O. Legal entity of public law as an element of decentralization of public management

Abstract: The subject of the research includes social relations appearing in the result of public (state) management. The article considers various theories of public management definition and its subjects. The author analyzes the functions, aims and goals of public management. When defining the subject matter of public management execution the author emphasizes the inclusion of recognized legal entities of public law as the state authorized entities. Legal entities of public law are considered in the article as subjects executing state administration, particularly exercising administrative authorities and functions. The author uses the comparative-legal metod by means of comparison of different stages in the succession of public management execution; and by means of comparison of different theories of public management. The article considers the construction of a legal entity of public law as a subject participating in the execution of public management. Authorizing legal entities of public law with particular functions and goals of public-authoritative character the state yields its own competences to subordinate branches (executive bodies, the Central Bank, state corporations). Therefore the author suggests the recognition of legal entities of public law as parts of public authority and competences redistribution. 


state, management, public legal entity, administration, decentralization, subjects, executive authority, competences, responsibilities, redistribution

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