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Police activity

Karpov E.A., Kurmanova A.V. On some issues of general social measures of minor crimes prevention

Abstract: The article considers the social relations appearing in the process of minor crimes prevention. The subject of the research includes the measures of prevention. The author considers the essence of the general social measures of minor crimes prevention and, in particular, the measures aimed at the preservation of the institution of familly in Russia. The research is aimed at the disclosure of the main reasons for minor crimes and the development of suggestions about the system of minor crimes combating. Recently the amount of grave crimes among minors has increased. Narcomania among minors has reached enormous scales. The authors use the dialectic method of study, the comparative method, analysis and deduction. The authors reveal a close interrelation between economical and moral reasons of crimes committed by minors. Undoubtedly, the institution of family, undergoing crisis in Russia, affects minor crimes rate. The novelty of the research lies in the complex consideration of the institution of family as a factor influencing the minor crimes rate. The authors suggest the specific measures of minor crimes prevention. Considerable part of them is connected with the enhancement of family policy in Russia. 


consumption cult, professional criminal, crime factor, family policy, crime, prevention of crimes, hooliganism, property stratification, boarding schools, latency of crime

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