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Police activity

Astishina T.V. Current state of organized criminal groups infringing on public morality

Abstract: The research subject includes the issues of combating organized crime groups infringing on public morality, and the problems of a criminal nature associated with sexual exploitation. The object of the article is a range of public relations connected with the activities of the police in combating crimes related to sexual exploitation. The author discusses such issues of the problem as: maintaining of houses for prostitution; forms and types of prostitution; the problem of combating the activities of pimps. Special attention is paid to the criminal legal issues of combating crimes against public morality. The methodology of the article is based on the modern achievements in the theory of knowledge. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods, and the methods used in the specific sociological research (statistics, expert opinions, and others).The author concludes that nowadays criminal legislation is not sufficient enough to fight organized criminal groups dealing with sexual exploitation of women. This type of criminal activity has gained a transnational character. The special contribution of the author consists in the proposed amendments to the Criminal code and the Code of Administrative offences. In particular, it is proposed to change some corpora delicti in the sphere of sexual exploitation of men and women. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author formulates the proposals aimed at improvement of legal and institutional framework of the activities of the police in combating organized crime groups infringing on public morality.


pornography, prostitute, prostitution, exploitation, sex, morality, crime, group, erotica, responsibility

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