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Police activity

Ziganshin M.M. On the issue of the police effectiveness improvement in transport safety provision by means of administrative and legal regulation

Abstract: The subject of the study is the administrative and legal framework regulating the activities of the police in transport safety provision. Implementation of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of transport safety provision by the police is of great importance for transport safety. The degree of safety of transport infrastructure objects depends on the enhancement of regulations and their correct and legal implementation. The mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of the police activities in transport safety provision includes the rules of administrative law, administrative relationships and acts of administrative law enforcement. The missions of this mechanism are mainly related to the objectives of the police. The methodology of the study is based on the dialectical method of cognition which provides the perception of legal phenomena in their development and interaction; on the general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction and deduction, analogy), and special scientific methods of study in the field of legal research (the specific sociological method, the system, historical, grammatical, and logical interpretation). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the author's approach to the study of the concept and the content of administrative and legal regulation of the police in the sphere of transport safety, to the study of the police activities in the provision of transport safety, as well as to the opportunities and prospects of use of foreign experience of the police in transport safety provision.


regulation, activities, threat, terrorism, administrative, police, security, transport, act, system

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