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Administrative and municipal law

Mikaya A.V. The principle of competitiveness in the proceedings on administrative offences in the sphere of antimonopoly legislation and the problems of its implementation at the stage of considering of antitrust legislation violation case by the Commission of the Antimonopoly body.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the principle of competitiveness in the proceedings on administrative offences. The author pays special attention to the problems of implementation of this principle in the proceedings on administrative offences in the sphere of antimonopoly legislation. The methodology of the study is based on accumulation of general and special scientific methods and techniques used in juridical science in general, namely the dialectical, historical, structural and systematic, comparative legal, statistical, formal and logical analysis and the system method. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that the author attempts to analyze the influence of the principle of competitiveness on the proceedings on administrative offences cases as well as to identify the problems of implementation of the principle of competitiveness during the implementation of administrative-jurisdictional process by the authorized bodies of executive power, in particular when considering the antitrust legislation violation case by the Commission of the Antimonopoly body.


administrative process, administrative jurisdiction, administrative offence, antimonopoly regulation, principles, process, compettitiveness, proof, problems of implementation, principle of competitiveness

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