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Administrative and municipal law

Kurakin A.V., Kostennikov M.V., Badulin A.D., Tregubova E.V., Kareeva-Popelkovskaya K.A. Problems of administrative responsibility application in cases of violation of legislation in the sphere of state regulation of spirituous and alcohol-containing production

Abstract: The subject of the research is the complex of problems of a scientific and practical character connected with the application of measures of administrative responsibility for the offences in the sphere of production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, spirituous and alcohol-containing production. The object of the research includes public relations appearing in the process of administrative measures application for the offences in the sphere of production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, spirituous and alcohol-containing production. The authors pay special attention to the content and the principles of administrative responsibility in the sphere in question and formulate the suggestions about the enhancement of its realization. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The authors use the theoretical and the general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (the formal logical) and the methods used in special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc). The article explains the necessity of extension of protective effect of administrative responsibility measures applied for the violation of order of production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, spirituous and alcohol-containing production, reveals the material and procedural components of administrative responsibility in this sphere. The study theoretically substantiates and reveals the mechanism of administrative measures realization in the sphere of production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, spirituous and alcohol-containing production. Moreover, the authors come to the conclusion about the necessity of inclusion of licence abolition as an administrative punishment for the offences in the sphere of production and distribution of ethyl alcohol, spirituous and alcohol-containing production. 


alcohol, spirit, responsibility, punishment, fine, police, coercion, control, distribution, production

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Kostennikov M.V., Kurakin A.V. Aktual'nye problemy administrativnogo prava. – M., 2013.
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3. Kurakin A.V., Badulin A.D., Tregubova E.V. Administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za pravonarusheniya na rynke alkogolya i rol' politsii v ee realizatsii // NB: Administrativnoe pravo i praktika administrirovaniya. - 2013. - 10. - C. 28 - 74. DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2013.10.10151. URL:
4. Kurakin A.V. Kompetentsiya politsii v sfere realizatsii zakonodatel'stva ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh // NB: Administrativnoe pravo i praktika administrirovaniya. - 2013. - 4. - C. 28 - 48. DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2013.4.8841. URL:
5. Badulin A.D., Kurakin A.V., Tregubova E.V. Administrativnaya otvetstvennost'
6. za pravonarusheniya
7. na rynke alkogolya
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9. Kurakin A.V., Badulin A.D. Problemy realizatsii mer administrativnoy otvetstvennosti v sfere proizvodstva i oborota etilovogo spirta, alkogol'noy i spirtosoderzhashchey produktsii // Administrativnoe i munitsipal'noe pravo. - 2012. - 6. - C. 59 - 66.
10. Kurakin A.V., Badulin A.D. Administrativnye problemy realizatsii mer otvetstvennosti za proizvodstvo i realizatsiyu alkogol'noy i spirtsoderzhashchey produktsii // Administrativnoe i munitsipal'noe pravo. - 2012. - 7. - C. 59 - 65.
11. Kareeva-Popelkovskaya K.A. Mery administrativnogo presecheniya i problemy ikh realizatsii v deyatel'nosti politsii // Politseyskaya deyatel'nost'. - 2013. - 6. - C. 390 - 401. DOI: 10.7256/2222-1964.2013.6.10597.