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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Chernukhina L. S. Penal policy of Canada in the Sphere of Child Protection

Abstract: The article examines the main trends in the formation of criminal legal policy of Canada with the field of protection of the children from sexual assault, offences related to trafficking in persons, abuse and failure to perform duties of persons to provide children necessaries. A comparative analysis of The Criminal Code sections as amended and as of March 2012 was made in view of changes introduced by The Safe Streets and Communities Act (covering areas of criminal responsibility for sexual offences). The author points to integrated approach to the protection of children from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse. This approach includes strengthening the legal framework on conduct related to sexual exploitation and abuse and the prevention and punishment of conjugal violence and violence against children, development of various tools and strategies for law enforcement institutions, etc. The general tendency in the development of Canadian criminal law policy in the protection of the rights of the child is to increase penalties for sexual offenders against children and the mandatory minimum sentences, to strengthen the sex-offender registry, to criminalize new offences. In Canada several programmes had been implemented and many social services centers have been set up in order to minimize negative social consequences and to facilitate the rehabilitation of child victims. On witness protection special measures for the protection of witnesses and victims of crimes are wildly provided. On the 9th of December,2014 the Royal Assent was given to the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act. This act creates a new criminal offence of non-consensual distribution of intimate images.


the rights of the child protection, criminal responsibility, sexual offences, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, abduction, failure to perform duties of persons to provide necessaries, mandatory minimum sentencing, prohibition orders.

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