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Taxes and Taxation
Shakirova R.K.
The relationship between the concepts of "tax benefits" and "budgetary tax expenses" and assessment of tax benefits effectiveness
// Taxes and Taxation.
2015. ¹ 2.
P. 146-156.
Shakirova R.K. The relationship between the concepts of "tax benefits" and "budgetary tax expenses" and assessment of tax benefits effectivenessAbstract: Abstract. Providing tax benefits is one of the methods for state regulation of social and economic processes. The choice of research topic was influenced by such factors as the lack of scientifically based tax incentives theory with well-defined and complete classification adapted to the current Russian legislation; unclear benefits provisions dispersed in the RF legislation on taxes, and the problems linked to methods to assess the effectiveness of tax benefits. The purpose of the article is to summarize the approaches to the structure and content of the basic elements of the methodology for assessment of the tax benefits taking into account the tax structure which is referenced to the tax legislation of the Russian Federation and the concept of tax expenses. The work highlights the basic elements of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of tax incentives and their general characteristics. The paper shows that there is a need to create and use a general classifier of tax benefits. For the first time the study attempts to give a brief critical analysis of the evaluation procedure applied in Yoshkar-Ola (the Mari El Republic) to evaluate fiscal and social effectiveness of tax benefits offered at the local level. Research material may find practical application in the development of a single methodology for assessing the effectiveness of tax benefits, as well as in the activities of executive bodies involved in monitoring of the effectiveness of tax benefits.It is concluded that every provision of the existing regulations governing the monitoring of tax benefits should be carefully examined with the aim of further improvement. The procedure of tax benefits canceling should be smooth, it should be based on the results of assessment of tax benefits effectiveness. Moreover, the assessment should be conducted by the authorized body acting in compliance with a single methodology. Keywords: effectiveness assessment, monitoring steps, principles for offering benefits, tax basic structure, regulatory tax structure, tax benefits, budgetary tax expenses, elements of the methodology, tax regulation, fiscal performance
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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