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National Security

Kuznetsova E.I. Development of the tools for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise

Abstract: The subject of this research is determination of approaches towards development of tools for managing the economic security of an enterprise. The object of the research is the economic relations focused on the preservation of property complex, which are currently focused on the management of the business as a whole. The author gives a thorough examination to the nature of the distinctive features of economic security management offered on the basis of identification of such management types as the efficiency and competitiveness management, risk management and crisis management. A special attention is given to the need for a systematic approach. Methodology for the development of tools to ensure economic security includes sequencing methods and mechanisms to ensure stable operation of the business entity and its survival in the specific conditions of conducting financial and economic activities. The novelty of the research lies in justifying the classification means and measures to ensure economic security on the basis of their grouping and presentation in the form of a cybernetic model of the enterprise "input-process-output". Classification criterion will be the goal, achieving which, will require the use of various tools: means and methods to ensure the supply of resources, and the improvements to the efficiency of their use or minimization of their losses.


efficiency, competitiveness, risk management, business entity, enterprise, system of management, economic security, tools, crisis management, ensure

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