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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Spektor, D. M. From Psychology of Sense to the Sense of Psychology. Existential Archetypes

Abstract: On the other side of naturalism there are no guarantees that frequently mentioned existentials are eternal, created by the one consciousness, have the one meaning and belong to the unified cognition process. This statement can be proved by the fact that language has a common nature, too. However, semantic structures are very complex especially in different forms of communication of ontologically different existentials and their productive relation. According to the author of the article, the type of existential is constituted in the process of understanding and inevitably aimed at discovering metaphysics (transcendence) of the subject. However, the motive and the aspect of what is being understood may differ in terms of basal existentials. This schematic exposition already allows to raise a question about creating a classification of existential senses and defining their ontological differences while taking into account their relation. Spektor provides the following basal archetypes that are ‘repressed’ into unconsciousness not because they are alien to the mind but because of their ontological disposition in the psychic structure and the role of ‘prisms’ and pre-conscious attitudes: the archetype of Divinity, God, the Absolute, the One, and etc.; the archetype of Power; the archetype of Capital; and the archetype of Server.


psychology of sense, sense of psychology, archetypes, existential, existence, basal archetypes, Absolute and One, power, capital, Server.

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