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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich, P. S. Mournful Farewell to Expertise

Abstract: The modern society cannot exist without an all-round social expertise. The social organism in itself has a very complex structure. However, never before there has been such an intensive social dynamics as the modern world is having today. The humankind is going through a radical transformation. Globalization processes have reshaped the political world map. The previous ideology is being destroyed and new spiritual movements are being created. Considering today’s competition between countries, only those states can win where leaders understand the need for changes and respond to challenges of the age. The present article is devoted to the analysis of social issues that have been discussed by the journalist of Vestnik Analitiki over one decade and a half. In his research Gurevich has used the method of historicism which allows to compare expert evaluations of famous social philosophers regarding social dynamics of the modern world. The article also contains the results of opinion surveys, brain storms and private researches of particular issues. The novelty of the article is caused by the necessity to summarize the results of the expert activity of the journal ‘Vestnik Analitiki’ for a significant period of time. Unfortunately, the journal does not exist anymore. We have to say farewell to the expertise even though it still remains an essential need of the modern society, but the author of the present article tries at least save the results of diligent researches. Pavel Gurevich deliberately uses the original text of expertise and at the same time analyzes them and provides an overview of the entire period of social expert evaluations in general.


society, reform, social stratification, ideology, civilization, spirituality, humanism, power, management, history.

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1. Antologiya issledovaniy kul'tury. Simvolicheskoe pole kul'tury / Sost. L.A. Mostova. SPb., 2011. 384 s.
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6. Gurevich Aron. Istoriya istorika. M., SPb., 2012. 285 s.
7. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Egorova I.V. «Nuzhna li nam ideologiya?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2014. ¹ 1(55). S. 99-120.
8. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Egorova I.V. «Sotsial'nye illyuzii» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2014. ¹ 3(57). S. 107-130.
9. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Egorova I.V. «Chemu uchit istoriya?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2014. ¹ 2(56). S. 100-121.
10. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V. «Reforma kak sotsial'nyy fenomen» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. ¹ 3(53). S. 105-127.
11. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V. «Sotsial'naya demagogiya» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. ¹ 4(54). S. 87-105.
12. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V. «Sotsial'noe rassloenie: formirovanie novoy soslovnosti» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. ¹ 1(51). S. 87-118.
13. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Saenko G.V. «Chto takoe sotsial'noe gosudarstvo?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2013. ¹ 2(52). S. 103-125.
14. Gurevich P.S., Bueva L.P., Spirova E.M «Dukhovnost' i sovremennyy spor tsivilizatsiy» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2014. ¹ 4(58). (v pechati).
15. Gurevich P.S., Guseynov A.A., Lukov V.A. «Vozhdizm v sovremennom mire» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2010. ¹ 3(41). S. 116-140.
16. Gurevich P.S., Guseynov A.A., Lukov V.A. «Chto oznachaet krakh mul'tikul'turalizma?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2011. ¹ 3(45). S. 79-102.
17. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Vostrebovan li segodnya gumanizm?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. ¹ 4(50). S. 87-105.
18. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A. i dr. «Iz'yany i resursy sotsial'nogo upravleniya» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2008. ¹ 3(33). S. 179-192.
19. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Politicheskaya mifologiya» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. ¹ 2(48). S. 89-112.
20. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Problema intellektualizatsii natsii» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2010. ¹ 4(42). S. 110-131.
21. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Rol' lichnosti v istorii» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. ¹ 1(47). S. 101-124.
22. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Fenomen sotsial'nykh potryaseniy» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2011. ¹ 2(44). S. 124-146.
23. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Formula vlasti» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2012. ¹ 3(49). S. 114-133.
24. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Chto takoe «ideal'noe gosudarstvo», ili v kakom obshchestve vy khoteli by zhit'?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2011. ¹ 4(46). S. 106-129.
25. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Bueva L.P. «Chto takoe stabil'noe obshchestvo?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2011. ¹ 1(43). S. 95-122.
26. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Kantor V.K. «Imidzh Rossii v sovremennom mire» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2010. ¹ 1(39). S. 108-132.
27. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Korolev S.A. «Vlast' i real'nost'» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2010. ¹ 2(40). S. 89-111.
28. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Rozin V.M. «Dialog obshchestva i gosudarstva» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2009. ¹ 3(37). S. 122-141.
29. Gurevich P.S., Lukov V.A., Tolstykh V.I., Dolgov O.V. «Preobrazhenie morali v sovremennom obshchestve» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2009. ¹ 2(36). S. 122-146.
30. Gurevich P.S., Spirova E.M. i dr. «Kakim byt' otechestvennomu obrazovaniyu?» v rubrike «Kruglyy stol» // Vestnik analitiki. 2007. ¹ 1(27). S. 201-217.
31. Zimmel' Georg. Izbrannoe: Sozertsanie zhizni. M., SPb., 2014. 392 s.
32. Meynike Fridrikh. Vozniknovenie istorizma. M., SPb., 2013. 480 s.
33. Rossiya v dialoge kul'tur / Otv. red. A.A. Guseynov, A.V. Smirnov, B.O. Nikolaichev. M., 2010. 432 s.
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