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International Law and International Organizations

Dubovik O.L. Book review: Subbotina E. N. The Mechanism for Implementing the International Criminal Law in Russian and Abroad. M.: Yurlitinform, 2012, – 216 p.

Abstract: In this review the author evaluates the research results of the mechanism for implementing the norms of international criminal law into the national criminal legislation, conducted from the position of comparative jurisprudence. In this case the author compared the content, methods, techniques, subjects, and specific aspects of implementation of the criminal legal norms of international law into the national criminal legislation of Russia, UK, Canada, USA, France, Germany, and Finland; in other words, the countries that are part of the Anglo-Saxon, Romano-Germanic, and Scandinavian families of the legal systems. An analysis is made on the author’s approach towards the notion of implementation and related concepts (transformation, reception, conversion, and others); determination of the nature of the international criminal law and its place within the system of legal branches; assessment of the effect of the principles of the international criminal law on the process of implementation; current models of implementation and the criteria for defining their distinctive features. Characterization is given to the aspects of authority of subjects that execute the process of implementation of the international legal norms into the domestic criminal legislation, including the practice of implementation in the UK, Canada, France, Germany, and other countries.


Implementation, peer review, international law, legislation, criminal law, crime, transformation, criminal policy, convention.

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1. Zhalinskiy A.E., Rerirkht A.A. Vvedenie v nemetskoe pravo. M.: Spark, 200