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V.A. Chvyakin The problems of the aggressive social tendency among the teenagers with deviant behavior

Abstract: The article represents the results of the research of the aggressive social tendencies among the teenagers with deviant behavior. The behavior is considered deviant, if there are persistently displayed deviations from the social norms, as the deviations of a mercenary, aggressive orientation, or the deviations of a socio-passive type. Among the social deviations of a mercenary orientation are the delinquencies and actions connected with the aspiration for a material, a monetary, or a property benefi t (theft, larceny, speculation, patronage etc.). The social deviations of aggressive orientation are expressed in the actions against personality (insult, hooliganism, beating, rape, murders). The deviations of a socio-passive type are expressed in the aspiration for the escape from the active social life, in the civic responsibilities and debts evasion, in the unwillingness to solve personal or social problems. Among such deviations is the evasion from work or study, vagrancy, the use of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances which create the world of illusions and destroy the mentality. The extreme manifestation of a socio-passive position of a person is suicide. It is established that all examined teenagers systematically demonstrated the unacceptable behavior, treated impudently and cruelly their peers and the juniors, and the elders. The research of their anamnesis showed that the aggressive behavior had become habitual for them, and in the situations with the possible alternatives they had chosen the illegal ways of behavior. The methodological base of the research consists of the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the theoretical, the general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal logical), and the methods which are used in the special sociological research (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The results of the research of the unproductive patterns of teenagers’ behavior show that such patterns are the results of the habitual (subjective) coping strategies. It is traditionally assumed that the coping strategies of behavior are typical for particular persons, and are formed spontaneously or as the results of special trainings. As the delinquent teenagers didn’t have any special training, their behavior is the result of a spontaneous upbringing. In the modern Western psychology the social paternalism school is considered as a continuation of neobehaviorism, and this approach, as the results of the research testify, is theoretically substantiated. The cognitive strategy prevails in the behavior of 24, 7 – 25, 1% of teenagers of the both age groups, and of 27, 3 – 23% of teenagers living in Moscow and in the Russian regions. It means that the socio-psychological features of their unproductive behavior can be described in such semantic symbols as implacability, confusion, ignorance, and the set of their own importance.


Aggressiveness, hostility, teenager, youth, delinquency, delict, delinquent, environment, function, resistance.

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