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Shilova, O. E. Activity of UNESCO in the Sphere of Art Education

Abstract: The article is devoted to the activity performed by UNESCO in the sphere of art education. The author of the article analyzes the goals of creating such a policy of UNESCO as well as particular activities and events organized within the framework of international cooperation in the sphere of art education. The author also studies recommendations and guidelines of UNESCO in the sphere of education in general and art education in particular. Shilova describes UNESCO programs aimed at development of art education and identifies why the international cooperation policy was created in the sphere of art education. Based on the analysis of UNESCO documents, the author defines the following reasons for creating the aforesaid policy: development of creative thinking; growth of social peace, tolerance and mutual respect and a growing contribution to sustainable development. Shilova also emphasizes the two functions of art education that were conceptualized in UNESCO documents: instrumental function of art education, i.e. using art as a mean and method of teaching general disciplines, and the function of creating the picture of the world. Based on the author, documents prepared by UNESCO to be used in the sphere of art education have rather insignificant influence on national educational programs due to their non-regulatory nature. At the same time, Shilova focuses on the implementation of particular projects under the guidance of UNESCO which still turned out to be quite efficient.


UNESCO, international relations, art education, international cooperation, art, education, recommendations, observatories, principles, projects.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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