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Financial Law and Management

Lapina M. A. , Lokhmanov D. V. On the Issue of Subjects and Sources of Administrative Jurisdiction in the Financial Sector

Abstract: One of the urgent problems of administrative law in the financial sector is chaotic and not coordinated adoption of legal acts (sources) governing administrative and jurisdictional activity of executive bodies in the area of finance, taxes and fees as well as the securities market. The present article analyzes the regulatory legal acts that govern administrative and jurisdictional activities of specially authorized federal executive bodies and the Bank of Russia in the financial sector. The main research method is a systematic analysis based on the consideration of the procedural rules set out in administrative, fiscal, budgetary and banking law, in relation to the substantive law. These procedural rules fix the occurrence of disputes (conflicts) or offenses in the area of finance, taxes and fees or the securities market. Based on the analysis of subjects and sources of administrative jurisdiction in the area of finance, taxes and fees as well as the securities market, the author substantiates the need to separate spheres and areas of responsibility for each industry-wide law individually, remove the executive authorities from the sphere of their jurisdictional activity of and enshrine the above mentioned activities of state bodies in the administrative law.


legal source, legal subject, administrative jurisdiction, financial sphere, administrative procedure, subjects of the administrative and jurisdictional activities, administrative proceedings, administrative and jurisdictional activities, sources of administrative and jurisdictional activities, efficiency of the administrative and jurisdictional activities.

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