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Administrative and municipal law

Rybintseva, E. V. Financial Guarantees of the Rights of Russian Citizens

Abstract: In the Russian federation, there are different types of guarantees for citizens’ rights. Some of the most important guarantees are financial guarantees of citizens’ rights, they are the subject matter of research in this article. The author carries out the analysis using the example of two most important rights: the right to education and right to free medical services. The article identifies the differences with the legislative provision for such rights and their practical implementation in the every-day lives of Russian citizens. Specific examples are given if situations when implementation of such rights is made very difficult or impossible. The methodological basis for this research is formed by such methods as systematic analysis, structural and functional, and technical and legal, statistical, comparative legal methods pursuant to which the public relationships are viewed which are created in the process of legal regulation of the financial security for the rights of a persona and citizen in the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the comprehensive analysis of the financial guarantees for such important human rights as the right to education and the right to free medical services. For the first time, the author identifies the problems of implementation of these rights from the point of view of their financial guarantees and offers ways to solve the problems identified by making changes to the laws and improving the work of various public structures.


problems of exercise of rights, guarantees of implementation, free medical services, right to health, financial guarantees of rights, guarantees of human rights, right to education, rights of citizen, financing for exercise of rights, methods of securing rights.

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