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Administrative and municipal law

Tadzhibov, V. R. Administrative Proceedings in Police Work

Abstract: In order to improve the mechanism of implementing the administrative-law rules, it is necessary to provide administrative support for the relevant aspect o work of Russian police. In this regard, the author believes that it is necessary to adopt a certain regulation defining the following: the scope of public services provided by the Russian Ministry for Internal Affairs to physical and legal entities; the list of administrative proceedings performed in within the competence of internal affairs bodies (police). This approach could contribute to understanding and disclosing the essence of the administrative-law work carried out by the police. In this research, the author used theoretical, general philosophical methods, conventional legal methods and the methods used in specific sociological research. The article notes that it is currently important to approve the forms of process documents made by the policemen during their administrative-law work. The solution would rule out the free-form approach to preparing a whole number of process documents in administrative cases, in cases on complaints and in various administrative procedures.


process, procedures, proceedings, stage, participant, police, jurisdiction, protocol, act, influence.

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